Earn money from Facbook or Twitter

Last few months I came across this awesome site called says.my. It's a Malaysia social advertising company, it allows users of Facebook and Twitter to earn money from it.

Basically it's kinda easy to get involve in this program. First you need to sign up an account at says.my, either you can sign up manually or use your Facebook account to sign up.

Say, after you had logged into your account, all you need is to share some interesting topics provided there.
Notice in the picture above, each topic have a reserved amount for you and there is a earning per unique click, which means that each time after you shared to your twitter or Facebook, if your friend clicked it, you will get an amount of money that is stated there, but there is a reserved limit, so for each topic you will only get that certain amount of money. Don't worry though, because there are many new topics coming up everyday.

You will need to earn at least RM50 before you can cash out. Like as for mine it's already Rm62 which means I can proceed to cash out.

Who says you can't earn money online? :p signup here now.

Do visit the site for more information by clicking here. Happy onlining :)


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