EP630 recabled and revived, with sexier appearance
As you guys knew if you read my previous post, my Creative EP-630 died, and I'm not really sure about the reason. So my friend and I had this idea, to revive it. Basically, the problem is on the wire, I'm quite sure that somewhere in the wire had snapped, causing the earphone to malfunction at one side. Day 1 night, I prepared a CAT5 cable, which is the LAN cable. We stripped it down and picked 4 wire for recabling. Day2: Opening up the driver Soldering process Soldering done Finalized product So far, I had not really tested how was the sound like. But the first impression is it is very airy, bass is not that heavy compared to the original cable. But it was a nice experience. p.s. I stabbed my thumb with a screwdriver while I am trying to open the driver :s My friend, SantikSengthong gets some credits as he helped me to solder the whole thing